Markup Tools

This is the Text Markup drop-down menu. Access it from the Comment menu or toolbar.

PDF Converter eng markup tools Markup Tools



The PDF Converter button text markup Markup Tools Text Markup Tool is a multi-purpose tool that lets you indicate places where you suggest text should be deleted, inserted or replaced. The same functionality is provided by three separate tools: Insert Text at Cursor, Replace Selected Text and Cross Out Text for Deletion.


The Text Markup Tool is in the Text Markup menu only. The others can also be accessed from the shortcut menu on text selected using the PDF Converter selecttext Markup Tools Select Text tool from the Standard toolbar.

To suggest text changes with the PDF Converter button text markup Markup Tools Text Markup Tool

  1. Click the Text Markup tool in the Text Markup menu in the Comment toolbar.

  2. To cross out text, select it and press Delete.

  3. To add text, place the cursor at the desired location and enter the new text.

  4. To replace text, select the text to be removed and enter the replacement text.

The changes are shown like this:


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One word in the title is marked for deletion. In the next line, text is inserted and replaced. Right-click on a marking and select Properties to change the marking color and other properties. You can resize the text boxes and close them. In that case, hover the cursor over a change to see the suggested new text in a popup display:


PDF Converter eng revision%20marking2 Markup Tools


To insert text at the cursor with its own tool

  1. Click where you want to insert text on the PDF page.

  2. Select Insert Text at Cursor from the Text Markup drop-down menu or from the Select Text shortcut menu. A pop-up Inserted Text window is displayed.

  3. Enter the text you want to insert in the Inserted Text window.

To replace selected text with its own tool

  1. Select the text you want to replace.

  2. Select Replace Selected Text from the Text Markup drop-down menu or from the Select Text shortcut menu. The cursor changes to PDF Converter cursor selecttext Markup Tools and a pop-up Replacement Text window is displayed.

  3. Enter the proposed replacement text in the Replacement Text window.

To add a note to selected text

  • Select the text you want to add a note to.

  • Select Add Note to Selected Text from the Text Markup drop-down menu or from the Select Text shortcut menu. The text gets highlighted and a pop-up Comment on Text window is displayed.

  • Enter the text in the Comment on Text window. If the comment text window is not shown by default, just double-click the markup area and it will pop up.


To highlight, underline, or cross-out selected text

  1. Select the text you want to mark.

  2. Select the desired markup tool from the Text Markup drop-down menu or from the Select Text shortcut menu.


The same effect can be achieved by clicking the button right to the Text Markup tool, and then selecting the text you want to mark. The appearance and name of this button are set according to the way it was last used; choose the desired effect in its drop-down menu.


See Annotation Effects for an overview of how these tools function.


To see how markings are affected when a document is flattened, see Flattening Documents.



Markup Tools