Imposition Options Settings

Registration marks help printers to align pages correctly; crop marks show where pages should be cut.

To add print marks

  1. Select File > Imposition or click the PDF Converter imposition Imposition Options Settings button on the Advanced toolbar.

  2. Click the Options tab.

  3. Select Crop Marks to add crop marks to the imposition file, and select:

  • Inner Marks: Add crop marks to the blank space next to the spine.

  • Crop  Marks Style: Choose single or double.

  1. Check Registration Marks to add these to the file and select a style.

  2. Check Description  to have notes added (such as Fold: 1, Sheet: 1), to the medium margin when printed.

To specify the sequence for double-sided printing

  1. Select an option:

    • Interleave document: First print the front sides of a medium, then print the back of that medium before continuing to the next medium.

    • Fronts first, then backs: Print the front sides of all media and then print their backs in the same order.

    • Fronts first, then backs reverse: Print the front sides of all media and then print their backs in reverse order.

  1. Choose Flip backs of sheets to rotate the media 180 degrees before printing the back.




Imposition Options Settings