Form Controls Panel (Navigation Panel)
Use this for easy navigation through form fields, or to review and change individual form field properties.
To display this panel
select Form Controls from the drop-down list of the
Navigation Panels tool, or
go to the View menu, choose Navigation Panels, then click Form Controls.
The panel lists all active fields in a form page by page. Double-click a field item in the list to display its properties (attributes, actions and others) for review and/or modification.
This panel also gives you the option to
run FormTyper through a static form
specify OCR language for the static form to be activated
delete all form controls in the current document. Use this with care: deleting all form controls cannot be undone.
set panel display preferences.
Warning: If you run FormTyper on a document that already has active form fields, these will be deleted.
The Form Controls panel will automatically display if you run FormTyper through a static form, and you have not previously marked the “Don’t show this panel automatically” item under its Options.
You can also run FormTyper from the Form toolbar by clicking its icon .
Transferring Data between Forms
You can export data from a form and import data into one from an existing data file.
Form data transfer is done using . fdf or .xfdf files. For best results, use the export-import process between forms with highly similar/identical layout. See Importing and Exporting Form Data for details.
Do not edit form controls or run FormTyper on a form with active XFA controls.